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% For automata drawings

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Comments Off on Flow Network Example


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% order: \order[st]{1}, \order{k}

\begin {figure}[h]
  \subfigure[staying inside the folding]{
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      \coordinate (O) at (3cm, 0cm);
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      \coordinate (B) at (5cm, 0cm);
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      \node at (B) {};

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      \fill [dot] (J) circle (.3mm);
      \fill [dot] (L) circle (.3mm);
      \fill [dot] (K) circle (.3mm);
      \node [below] at (L) {$k'$};
      \node [below] at (K) {$j$};
      \node [below] at (J) {$0$};
      \node [below] at (O) {$k$};
  \subfigure[stretching beyond the folding]{
      line/.style = {draw, thick},
      arrow/.style = {draw, semithick, -latex},
      dot/.style = {draw, fill=black},
      \coordinate (O) at (3cm, 0cm);
      \coordinate (J) at (0cm, 0cm);
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      \node at (B) {};

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      \fill [dot] (J) circle (.3mm);
      \fill [dot] (L) circle (.3mm);
      \fill [dot] (K) circle (.3mm);
      \node [below] at (L) {$k'$};
      \node [below] at (K) {$j'$};
      \node [below] at (O) {$j$};      
      \node [below] at (J) {0};
 \caption{The $\order{(i+1)}$ segment folded to the right}

\begin {figure}[h]
  \subfigure[staying inside the folding]{
      line/.style = {draw, thick},
      arrow/.style = {draw, semithick, -latex},
      dot/.style = {draw, fill=gray!50},
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      \node at (B) {};

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      \fill [dot] (J) circle (.3mm);
      \fill [dot] (L) circle (.3mm);
      \fill [dot] (K) circle (.3mm);
      \node [below] at (L) {$k'$};
      \node [below] at (K) {$j$};
      \node [below] at (J) {$0$};
      \node [below] at (O) {$k$};
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      border/.style = {draw=gray!90, thick},
      line/.style = {draw, thick},
      arrow/.style = {draw, semithick, -latex},
      dot/.style = {draw, fill=gray!50},
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      \coordinate (L) at (2cm, 0cm);
      \coordinate (K) at (3cm, 0cm);
      \path [arrow] ([yshift=2mm]L) -- node [above] {$\ell_{i+1}$} ([yshift=2mm]O);
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      \fill [dot] (J) circle (.3mm);
      \fill [dot] (L) circle (.3mm);
      \fill [dot] (K) circle (.3mm);
      \node [below] at (J) {$0$};
      \node [below] at (L) {$k'$};
      \node [below] at (K) {$j'$};
      \node [below] at (O) {$k'-\ell_{i+1}$};
      \path [border] (O) -- ([yshift=3mm]O);
  \caption{The $\order{(i+1)}$ segment folded to the left}
Comments Off on carpenter’s ruler


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\usepackage{pgf, tikz}

    % type of arrow head
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    shorten >= 1pt,
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    node distance=1.5cm,
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Comments Off on directed graph



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The Cauchy distribution is a symmetric distribution on
$(-\infty,\infty)$ with pdf
  f_X(x;\theta,\gamma) =
  \frac1\pi \cdot \frac{\gamma}{(x-\theta)^2+\gamma^2}
In this paper, we only deal with the case $\theta=0$.

Consider two independent Gaussian random variables $X,Y\sim N(0,1)$.
We will prove that the ratio $X/Y$ is a Cauchy distribution by
\item defining the transformation $U=X/Y$ and $V=|Y|$,
\item finding the joint pdf $F_{U,V}(u,v)$, and
\item integrating out $V$ to obtain the marginal pdf of $U$.

Unfortunately, the mapping $U=X/Y$ and $V=|Y|$ is not one-to-one:
the two points $(x,y)$ and $(-x,-y)$ map to the same $(u,v)$
We need to partition $(X,Y)$ into $A_0,A_1,A_2$ such that the mapping
from $A_i$ to $(U,V)$ is one-to-one.
  \item $A_0=\{(X,Y):Y=0\}$: This exceptional case does not happen
    because $\Pr[Y=0]=0$ when $Y\sim N(0,1)$.
  \item $A_1=\{(X,Y):Y>0\}$: The mapping $U=X/Y$, $V=|Y|$ is
    one-to-one, and the inverse mappings are $h_{11}(u,v)=uv$,
  \item $A_2=\{(X,Y):Y<0\}$: The mapping $U=X/Y$, $V=|Y|$ is
    one-to-one, and the inverse mappings are $h_{12}(u,v)=-uv$,
  J_1 & =
    \fpd{h_{11}}{u} & \fpd{h_{11}}{v} \\
    \fpd{h_{21}}{u} & \fpd{h_{21}}{v}
  & = 
    \fpd{uv}{u} & \fpd{uv}{v} \\
    \fpd{v}{u} & \fpd{v}{v}
    v & u \\ 0 & 1
  &= v \\
  J_2 &= 
    \fpd{h_{12}}{u} & \fpd{h_{12}}{v} \\
    \fpd{h_{22}}{u} & \fpd{h_{22}}{v}
    \fpd{(-uv)}{u} & \fpd{(-uv)}{v} \\
    \fpd{(-v)}{u} & \fpd{(-v)}{v}
    -v & -u \\ 0 & -1
  &= v
  f_{X,Y}(x,y) =
  \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\exp(-y^2/2) =
  f_{UV}(u,v) &= f_{XY}(h_{11}(u,v),h_{21}(u,v))|J_1|
  + f_{XY}(h_{12}(u,v),h_{22}(u,v))|J_2| \\
  &= \frac{1}{2\pi}\exp\left(-\frac{(uv)^2 + v^2}{2}\right)|v| +
  \frac{1}{2\pi}\exp\left(-\frac{(-uv)^2 + (-v)^2}{2}\right)|v| \\
  &= \frac{v}{\pi}\exp\left(-\frac{v^2(u^2+1)}{2}\right),
  \qquad -\infty < u < \infty, \quad0<v<\infty \\
  f_U(u) &=
  \int_0^\infty \frac{v}{\pi}\exp\left(-\frac{v^2(u^2+1)}{2}\right) dv
  & \text{integrating out $V$}\\
  &= \int_0^\infty \frac{1}{2\pi}\exp\left(-\frac{u^2+1}{2}z\right) dz
  & \qquad\text{Let $z=v^2$ and $dz=2vdv$} \\
  &= \frac{1}{2\pi}\cdot \frac{2}{u^2+1}
  & \int_0^\infty \exp(-\alpha z) dz = \frac1\alpha \\
  &= \frac{1}{\pi}\cdot\frac{1}{u^2+1},\qquad -\infty< u<\infty


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% For fancy fonts




The ratio of two Gaussian random variables $X,Y\sim N(0,1)$ is a
Cauchy distribution.
Let $U=X/Y$ and $V=|Y|$. If $Y=0$, $U$ and $V$ can be any value
because $\Pr(Y=0)=0$.
If we restrict consideration to either positive or negative value of
$Y$, then the transform from $\mathcal{A}=(X,Y)$ to
$\mathcal{B}=(U,V)$ is one-to-one.
  A_1 = \{(x,y): y > 0 \},\qquad
  A_2 = \{(x,y): y < 0 \},\qquad
  A_3 = \{(x,y): y = 0 \}
These three partition $\mathcal{A}=\mathbb{R}^2$ and
$\Pr[(X,Y)\in A_0]=\Pr[Y=0]=0$.
    [line/.style ={draw, thick, -latex, shorten >=2pt},]
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    (0, 0) -- (\myradius, 0mm) arc (0:-150:\myradius) -- cycle;
    \draw (0,0) circle (\myradius);

    \node at (5mm, 8mm) {$A_1$};
    \node at (5mm, -8mm) {$A_2$};
    \node at (-9mm, 0mm) {$A_0$};

    \node at (0cm, \myradius+5mm) {$\mathcal{A}=\mathbb{R}^2=(X,Y)$};

    % right circle
    \shade[left color=black!10, right color=black!40,
    draw=black!50!black] (6cm, 0) circle (\myradius);
    \node at (\myradius*4, \myradius+5mm)
    {$\mathcal{B}=\{(U,V):V\geq 0\}$};

    % arrows
    \path (\myradius*4-3mm, 8mm) edge [line, bend angle=10, bend right]
    node [above, midway] {$h_{11},h_{21}$} (8mm, 8mm);
    \path (8mm, 6mm) edge [line, bend angle=10, bend right]
    (\myradius*4-3mm, 6mm);
    \path (\myradius*4-3mm, -8mm) edge [line, bend angle=10, bend left]
    node [below, midway] {$h_{12},h_{22}$} (8mm, -8mm);
    \path (8mm, -6mm) edge [line, bend angle=10, bend left]
    (\myradius*4-3mm, -6mm);


  \mathcal{B} \to \mathcal{A}_1:&
  x=h_{11}(u,v)=uv, &\quad&y=h_{21}(u,v)=v \\
  \mathcal{B} \to \mathcal{A}_2:&
  x=h_{12}(u,v)=-uv, &\quad&y=h_{22}(u,v)=-v

  J_1 =
    \fpd{uv}{u} & \fpd{uv}{v} \\
    \fpd{v}{u} & \fpd{v}{v}
    v & u \\ 0 & 1 \\
  = v,\quad
  J_2 =
    \fpd{(-uv)}{u} & \fpd{(-uv)}{v} \\
    \fpd{(-v)}{u} & \fpd{(-v)}{v}
    -v & -u \\ 0 & -1 \\
  = v

  f_{XY}(x,y) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\exp\left(-\frac{x^2}{2}\right)
  \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}\exp\left(-\frac{y^2}{2}\right) =

  f_{UV}(u,v) &= \sum_{i=0}^2 f_{XY}(h_{1i}(u,v),h_{2i}(u,v))|J_i| \\
  &= \frac{1}{2\pi}\exp\left(-\frac{(uv)^2 + v^2}{2}\right)|v| +
  \frac{1}{2\pi}\exp\left(-\frac{(-uv)^2 + (-v)^2}{2}\right)|v| \\
  &= \frac{v}{\pi}\exp\left(-\frac{v^2(u^2+1)}{2}\right)

  f_U(u) &= \int_0^\infty
  \frac{v}{\pi}\exp\left(-\frac{v^2(u^2+1)}{2}\right) dv 
  &\qquad(\text{change of variable: $z=v^2$}) \\
  &= \int_0^\infty \frac{1}{2\pi}
  \exp\left(-\frac{u^2+1}{2}z\right) dz 
  & \left(\int_0^\infty\exp(-\alpha z) dz = 1/\alpha\right) \\ 
Comments Off on Cauchy distribution: ratio of two gaussian random variables



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\newcommand{\LLL}{Lov\'asz Local Lemma\xspace}

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\title{A Constructive Proof of the Lov\'asz Local Lemma}
\subtitle{Robin Moser, STOC 2009}
\author{Youngtae Youn}
\institute{CSE Dept. Penn State}
\date{September 28, 2009}

  \frametitle{\LLL: Lov\'asz and Erd\H{o}s in 1975}
  \item What if bad events are \alert{not} independent?
    \item Bad events are \emph{mostly} independent from one
    \item Bad event are \alert{not} individually too likely to occur.
    Still, $\Pr[\text{none of the bad events will occur}] > 0$.
  \item Lov\'asz Local Lemma

Comments Off on Beamer Nested Itemized List Indentation

LaTeX Source

\usepackage[papersize={120mm, 25mm}, text={100mm, 20mm}]{geometry}


% Matrix norm
\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\ensuremath{\lVert{#1}\rVert }}
% bold face letters for matrix and vector

$\displaystyle \quad |\sigma_k - \beta_k| \leq \norm{\Ebf}_2\quad$
for $1\leq k\leq n$.

This can be proved by the following fact.
  x^2 + y^2 = z^2
Comments Off on LaTeX Environment: Kleinberg-Tardos style

This document is generated as follows.

[ytyoun@Ordnung:~/doQment/]# xelatex test
[ytyoun@Ordnung:~/doQment/]# makeindex test
[ytyoun@Ordnung:~/doQment/]# makeindex test.nlo -s nomencl.ist -o test.nls
[ytyoun@Ordnung:~/doQment/]# xelatex test
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% for fancy section font and color
% fancy math
% mathematical shorthand
% math operators
% index generation
% 'list of notations' generation
\usepackage[refpage]{nomencl}  % refer to the page where notation appears
\renewcommand{\nomname}{List of Notations}
\paragraph{Matrix Norm}\index{Matrix Norm}
The squared \index{Matrix Norm!Frebenius norm}Frobenius norm of a matrix
$\Abf_{m\times n}$ is defined as
\nomenclature{$\norm{\Abf}_F$}{Frobenius norm of $\Abf$}
  \norm{\Abf}_F^2 = \sum_{i=1}^m\sum_{j=1}^na_{ij}^2 =
The 2-norm\index{Matrix Norm!2-norm} of a matrix $\Abf_{m\times n}$ is
defined as\nomenclature{$\norm{\Abf}_2$}{2-norm of $\Abf$}
\norm{\Abf}_2 = \max_{\norm{\xbf}_2=1}\norm{\Abf\xbf}_2\quad
\text{for $\xbf\in\Rbb^{n\times 1}$}
For a subspace $\Vcal\subseteq \Rbb^n$ and a vector $\ubf\in\Rbb^n$,
let $\proj{\Vcal}{\ubf}$
\nomenclature{$\proj{\Vcal}{\ubf}$}{Projection of $\ubf$ onto subspace $\Vcal$}
be the projection of $\ubf$ onto $\Vcal$.
If $\{\vbf_1,...,\vbf_k\}$ is a basis for $\Vcal$, then
  \proj{\Vcal}{\ubf} = \sum_{i=1}^k \bkt{\vbf_i,\ubf}\vbf_i
Comments Off on LaTeX Example



Comic Sans MS

Document Source Code

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%\setsansfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Comic Sans MS}
% For fancy picture
\newcommand{\LLL}{Lov\'asz Local Lemma\xspace}
\title{A Constructive Proof of the Lov\'asz Local Lemma}
\subtitle{Robin Moser, STOC 2009}
\author{Youngtae Youn}
\institute{CSE Dept. Penn State}
\date{September 28, 2009}
  \frametitle{\LLL: Lov\'asz and Erd\H{o}s in 1975}
  \item What if bad events are \alert{not} independent? 
    \item Bad events are \emph{mostly} independent from one
    \item Bad event are \alert{not} individually too likely to occur.
    Still, $\Pr[\text{none of the bad events will occur}] > 0$.
  \begin{block}{\LLL (Symmetric Case)}
    \item $\Pr[bad_i] \leq \emph{p}$ for all $1 \leq i \leq n$.     
    \item Each $bad_i$ depends on other \emph{$d$} bad events.
    \item $e\cdot p\cdot (d+1) \leq 1$ where $\emph{e}=2.7182\cdots$
      Then, $\Pr[\text{none of the bad events will occur}] > 0$.
  \item dictionary definition of \emph{local}: affecting or limited to
    part of a whole.
  \item The bound in (3) is \alert{tight}.    
  \item We will prove for the \emph{loose} bound $4pd\leq 1$.

How to convert PDF into PNG

convert -density 600x600 -resize 800x600 -quality 90 myriad.pdf myriad.png
  • -density 600x600 treats the pdf as 600×600 dpi resolution
  • -resize 800x600 gives the dimensions in pixels of the resulting png file
  • -quality 90 uses the highest compression level for png (9) and no filtering (0)
Comments Off on XeLaTeX: font comparison

\usepackage[papersize={100mm, 130mm}, text={90mm, 120mm}]{geometry}
% order: \order[st]{1}, \order{k}
We prove the product rule of matrix derivative.
\fpd{}{t}\Abf\Bbf = \fpd{\Abf}{t}\Bbf + \Abf\fpd{\Bbf}{t}
Let $[\boldsymbol{*}]_{ij}$ be the element of $\boldsymbol{*}$ in the
$\order{i}$ row and $\order{j}$ column. Then it's enough to prove
\fpd{}{t}\left[\Abf\Bbf\right]_{ij} = 
\left[\fpd{\Abf}{t}\Bbf + \Abf\fpd{\Bbf}{t}\right]_{ij.}
Note that $[\Abf\Bbf]_{ij=}=\sum_ka_{ij}b_{kj}$.
  \fpd{}{t}[\Abf\Bbf]_{ij} &= \fpd{}{t}\sum_ka_{ik}b_{ij} \\
  &= \sum_k\left(
  \fpd{a_{ik}}{t}b_{kj} + a_{ik}\fpd{b_{kj}}{t}
  \right) \\
  &= \sum_k\left(\fpd{a_{ik}}{t}b_{kj}\right) +
  \sum_k\left(a_{ik}\fpd{b_{kj}}{t}\right) \\
  &= \left[\fpd{\Abf}{t}\Bbf\right]_{ij} + 
  \left[\Abf\fpd{\Bbf}{t}\right]_{ij} \\
  &= \left[ \fpd{\Abf}{t}\Bbf + \Abf\fpd{\Bbf}{t} \right]_{ij}
Comments Off on matrix calculus: product rule of matrix derivative


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 \subfigure[Original Graph]{\input{graph.tex}}
 \subfigure[Independent Set]{\input{ind_set.tex}}
 \subfigure[Vertex Cover]{\input{vc.tex}}
 \caption{Relations among Independent Set, Vertex Cover, and Clique}



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  \path[line] (O) -- (F);
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  \path[line] (D) -- (F);

  % nodes
  \shade[ball color=gray] (O) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=gray] (A) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=gray] (B) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=gray] (C) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=gray] (D) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=gray] (E) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=gray] (F) circle (4pt);


    line/.style = {draw=gray, ultra thick},

  \coordinate (O) at (-.5cm, .3cm);
  % in polar coordinates system
  \coordinate (A) at (  0: 2cm);
  \coordinate (B) at ( 60: 2cm);
  \coordinate (C) at (120: 2cm);
  \coordinate (D) at (180: 2cm);
  \coordinate (E) at (240: 2cm);
  \coordinate (F) at (300: 2cm);

  % edges
  \path[line] (A) -- (B);
  \path[line] (B) -- (C);
  \path[line] (C) -- (D);
  \path[line] (D) -- (E);
  \path[line] (E) -- (F);
  \path[line] (F) -- (A);
  \path[line] (B) -- (O);
  \path[line] (O) -- (F);
  \path[line] (B) -- (D);
  \path[line] (D) -- (F);

  % nodes
  \shade[ball color=blue!80]  (O) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=blue!80]  (A) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=gray] (B) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=blue!80]  (C) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=gray] (D) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=blue!80]  (E) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=gray] (F) circle (4pt);


    line/.style = {draw=gray, ultra thick},

  \coordinate (O) at (-.5cm, .3cm);
  % in polar coordinates system
  \coordinate (A) at (  0: 2cm);
  \coordinate (B) at ( 60: 2cm);
  \coordinate (C) at (120: 2cm);
  \coordinate (D) at (180: 2cm);
  \coordinate (E) at (240: 2cm);
  \coordinate (F) at (300: 2cm);

  % edges
  \path[line] (A) -- (B);
  \path[line] (B) -- (C);
  \path[line] (C) -- (D);
  \path[line] (D) -- (E);
  \path[line] (E) -- (F);
  \path[line] (F) -- (A);
  \path[line] (B) -- (O);
  \path[line] (O) -- (F);
  \path[line] (B) -- (D);
  \path[line] (D) -- (F);

  % nodes
  \shade[ball color=gray] (O) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=gray] (A) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=red ] (B) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=gray] (C) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=red ] (D) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=gray] (E) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=red ] (F) circle (4pt);


    line/.style = {draw=gray, ultra thick},

  \coordinate (O) at (-.5cm, .3cm);
  % in polar coordinates system
  \coordinate (A) at (  0: 2cm);
  \coordinate (B) at ( 60: 2cm);
  \coordinate (C) at (120: 2cm);
  \coordinate (D) at (180: 2cm);
  \coordinate (E) at (240: 2cm);
  \coordinate (F) at (300: 2cm);

  % edges
  \path[line] (A) -- (O);
  \path[line] (A) -- (C);
  \path[line] (A) -- (D);
  \path[line] (A) -- (E);
  \path[line] (B) -- (E);
  \path[line] (B) -- (F);
  \path[line] (C) -- (A);
  \path[line] (C) -- (E);
  \path[line] (C) -- (F);
  \path[line] (C) -- (O);
  \path[line] (D) -- (O);
  \path[line] (E) -- (O);

  % nodes
  \shade[ball color=green] (O) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=green] (A) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=gray]  (B) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=green] (C) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=gray]  (D) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=green] (E) circle (4pt);
  \shade[ball color=gray]  (F) circle (4pt);
Comments Off on Independent Set, Vertex Cover, and Clique