
\usepackage[papersize={85mm, 20mm}, text={75mm, 15mm}]{geometry}

\usepackage{pgf, tikz}

    % type of arrow head
    % keep arrow head from touching the surface
    shorten >= 1pt,
    % automatic node positioning
    node distance=1.5cm,
    % line thickness
    % text for the initial state arrow. I left it as blank
    initial text=]
    \tikzstyle{every state}=[draw=blue!50, thick, fill=blue!20,
    minimum size=4mm]
    \node[state] (v1) {$v_1$};
    \node[state] (v2) [right of=v1] {$v_2$};
    \node[state] (v3) [right of=v2] {$v_3$};
    \node[state] (v4) [right of=v3] {$v_4$};
    \node[state] (v5) [right of=v4] {$v_5$};
    \path[->] (v1) edge (v2);
    \path[->] (v3) edge (v4);
    \path[->] (v4) edge (v5);

    \path[->, bend right, bend angle = 5] (v2) edge (v5);
    \path[->, bend left, bend angle = 25] (v1) edge (v3);
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