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\newcommand{\LLL}{Lov\'asz Local Lemma\xspace}
\title{A Constructive Proof of the Lov\'asz Local Lemma}
\subtitle{Robin Moser, STOC 2009}
\author{Youngtae Youn}
\institute{CSE Dept. Penn State}
\date{September 28, 2009}
  \frametitle{\LLL: Lov\'asz and Erd\H{o}s in 1975}
  \item What if bad events are \alert{not} independent? 
    \item Bad events are \emph{mostly} independent from one
    \item Bad event are \alert{not} individually too likely to occur.
    Still, $\Pr[\text{none of the bad events will occur}] > 0$.
  \begin{block}{\LLL (Symmetric Case)}
    \item $\Pr[bad_i] \leq \emph{p}$ for all $1 \leq i \leq n$.     
    \item Each $bad_i$ depends on other \emph{$d$} bad events.
    \item $e\cdot p\cdot (d+1) \leq 1$ where $\emph{e}=2.7182\cdots$
      Then, $\Pr[\text{none of the bad events will occur}] > 0$.
  \item dictionary definition of \emph{local}: affecting or limited to
    part of a whole.
  \item The bound in (3) is \alert{tight}.    
  \item We will prove for the \emph{loose} bound $4pd\leq 1$.

How to convert PDF into PNG

convert -density 600x600 -resize 800x600 -quality 90 myriad.pdf myriad.png
  • -density 600x600 treats the pdf as 600×600 dpi resolution
  • -resize 800x600 gives the dimensions in pixels of the resulting png file
  • -quality 90 uses the highest compression level for png (9) and no filtering (0)
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