September 24, 2011
\documentclass{article} % For fancy drawing \usepackage{tikz, subfigure} \usepackage[papersize={140mm, 100mm}, text={130mm, 90mm}]{geometry} % order: \order[st]{1}, \order{k} \newcommand{\order}[2][th]{\ensuremath{{#2}^{\mathrm{#1}}}} \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} \begin {figure}[h] \centering \subfigure[staying inside the folding]{ \begin{tikzpicture} [ line/.style = {draw, thick}, arrow/.style = {draw, semithick, -latex}, dot/.style = {draw, fill=black}, ] \coordinate (O) at (3cm, 0cm); \coordinate (J) at (1cm, 0cm); \coordinate (L) at (2cm, 0cm); \coordinate (K) at (4cm, 0cm); \coordinate (A) at (0cm, 0cm); \coordinate (B) at (5cm, 0cm); \node at (A) {}; \node at (B) {}; \path [arrow] ([yshift=2mm]L) -- node [above] {$\ell_{i+1}$} ([yshift=2mm]O); \path [line] (J) -- (K); \fill [dot] (J) circle (.3mm); \fill [dot] (L) circle (.3mm); \fill [dot] (K) circle (.3mm); \node [below] at (L) {$k'$}; \node [below] at (K) {$j$}; \node [below] at (J) {$0$}; \node [below] at (O) {$k$}; \end{tikzpicture} } \qquad\qquad \subfigure[stretching beyond the folding]{ \begin{tikzpicture} [ line/.style = {draw, thick}, arrow/.style = {draw, semithick, -latex}, dot/.style = {draw, fill=black}, ] \coordinate (O) at (3cm, 0cm); \coordinate (J) at (0cm, 0cm); \coordinate (L) at (1cm, 0cm); \coordinate (K) at (2cm, 0cm); \coordinate (A) at (-1cm, 0cm); \coordinate (B) at (4cm, 0cm); \node at (A) {}; \node at (B) {}; \path [arrow] ([yshift=2mm]L) -- node [above] {$\ell_{i+1}$} ([yshift=2mm]O); \path [line] (J) -- (K); \fill [dot] (J) circle (.3mm); \fill [dot] (L) circle (.3mm); \fill [dot] (K) circle (.3mm); \node [below] at (L) {$k'$}; \node [below] at (K) {$j'$}; \node [below] at (O) {$j$}; \node [below] at (J) {0}; \end{tikzpicture} } \caption{The $\order{(i+1)}$ segment folded to the right} \end{figure} \begin {figure}[h] \centering \subfigure[staying inside the folding]{ \begin{tikzpicture} [ line/.style = {draw, thick}, arrow/.style = {draw, semithick, -latex}, dot/.style = {draw, fill=gray!50}, ] \coordinate (O) at (2cm, 0cm); \coordinate (J) at (1cm, 0cm); \coordinate (L) at (3cm, 0cm); \coordinate (K) at (4cm, 0cm); \coordinate (A) at (0cm, 0cm); \coordinate (B) at (5cm, 0cm); \node at (A) {}; \node at (B) {}; \path [arrow] ([yshift=2mm]L) -- node [above] {$\ell_{i+1}$} ([yshift=2mm]O); \path [line] (J) -- (K); \fill [dot] (J) circle (.3mm); \fill [dot] (L) circle (.3mm); \fill [dot] (K) circle (.3mm); \node [below] at (L) {$k'$}; \node [below] at (K) {$j$}; \node [below] at (J) {$0$}; \node [below] at (O) {$k$}; \end{tikzpicture} } \qquad\qquad \subfigure[stretching beyond the folding]{ \begin{tikzpicture} [ border/.style = {draw=gray!90, thick}, line/.style = {draw, thick}, arrow/.style = {draw, semithick, -latex}, dot/.style = {draw, fill=gray!50}, ] \coordinate (O) at (0cm, 0cm); \coordinate (J) at (1cm, 0cm); \coordinate (L) at (2cm, 0cm); \coordinate (K) at (3cm, 0cm); \path [arrow] ([yshift=2mm]L) -- node [above] {$\ell_{i+1}$} ([yshift=2mm]O); \path [line] (J) -- (K); \fill [dot] (J) circle (.3mm); \fill [dot] (L) circle (.3mm); \fill [dot] (K) circle (.3mm); \node [below] at (J) {$0$}; \node [below] at (L) {$k'$}; \node [below] at (K) {$j'$}; \node [below] at (O) {$k'-\ell_{i+1}$}; \path [border] (O) -- ([yshift=3mm]O); \end{tikzpicture} } \caption{The $\order{(i+1)}$ segment folded to the left} \end{figure} \end{document}
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