January 1, 1970
\documentclass[12pt]{beamer} % color theme \usetheme{psu} \usecolortheme[RGB={0,38,93}]{structure} % For fancy fonts \usepackage{fontspec} \defaultfontfeatures{Scale=MatchLowercase, Mapping=tex-text} \setmainfont[Ligatures={Common}, Numbers={OldStyle}]{Cambria} \setsansfont[Scale=0.95]{Candara} \setromanfont{Cambria} \setmonofont{Monaco} \usepackage{subfigure} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Goal of ACRE Learning} \begin{figure}[h] \centering \subfigure[Classifier $c$]{\input{fig1.tex}} \quad \subfigure[Cost Function $a$]{\input{fig2.tex}} \\ \subfigure[Adversary's Goal]{\input{fig3.tex}} \quad \subfigure[ACRE Learning]{\input{fig4.tex}} \caption{Special Case of 2-Dimensional Feature Vectors} \end{figure} \end{frame} \end{document}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.95] % classifier \filldraw [fill=red!20, draw=black, smooth] (0,0) -- (0cm, 2.6cm) -- (0.2cm, 2.2cm) -- (0.8cm, 2.0cm) -- (1.2, 2.2cm) -- (1.8cm, 1.6cm) -- (2.6cm, 0.4cm) -- (3.5cm, 0cm) -- cycle; % boundary \draw (3.5cm, 0cm) -- (3.5cm, 2.6cm) -- (0cm, 2.6cm); % markers \node at (0.2cm, 0.2cm) {\color{red}+}; \node at (3.3cm, 2.4cm) {\color{blue}-}; \end{tikzpicture}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.95] % boundary \draw (0, 0) -- (0cm, 2.6cm) -- (3.5cm, 2.6cm) -- (3.5cm, 0cm) -- (0, 0); % classfier \filldraw [fill=red!20, draw=black, smooth] (0,0) -- (0cm, 2.6cm) -- (0.2cm, 2.2cm) -- (0.8cm, 2.0cm) -- (1.2, 2.2cm) -- (1.8cm, 1.6cm) -- (2.6cm, 0.4cm) -- (3.5cm, 0cm) -- cycle; % cost functions \draw (2cm, 1.3cm) ellipse (1cm and .7cm); \draw (1.9cm, 1.3cm) ellipse (.8cm and .5cm); \draw (1.9cm, 1.3cm) ellipse (.6cm and .2cm); \draw (1.8cm, 1.3cm) ellipse (.3cm and .1cm); \draw (1.7cm, 1.3cm) ellipse (.12cm and .05cm); \draw (2cm, 1.6cm) ellipse (.1cm and .05cm); \end{tikzpicture}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.95] % boundary \draw (0, 0) -- (0cm, 2.6cm) -- (3.5cm, 2.6cm) -- (3.5cm, 0cm) -- (0, 0); % classfier \filldraw [fill=red!20, draw=black, smooth] (0,0) -- (0cm, 2.6cm) -- (0.2cm, 2.2cm) -- (0.8cm, 2.0cm) -- (1.2, 2.2cm) -- (1.8cm, 1.6cm) -- (2.6cm, 0.4cm) -- (3.5cm, 0cm) -- cycle; % cost functions \draw (2cm, 1.3cm) ellipse (1cm and .7cm); \draw (1.9cm, 1.3cm) ellipse (.8cm and .5cm); \draw (1.9cm, 1.3cm) ellipse (.6cm and .2cm); \draw (1.8cm, 1.3cm) ellipse (.3cm and .1cm); \draw (1.85cm, 1.3cm) ellipse (.12cm and .05cm); \draw (2cm, 1.6cm) ellipse (.1cm and .05cm); % star \filldraw [orange] (2.05cm, 1.3cm) circle (.05cm); \end{tikzpicture}
\begin{tikzpicture} [ scale=.95, circle/.style={shape=circle, minimum size=1mm, text centered}, instance/.style={shape=circle, minimum size=1mm, text centered} ] % boundary \draw (0, 0) -- (0cm, 2.6cm) -- (3.5cm, 2.6cm) -- (3.5cm, 0cm) -- (0, 0); % cost functions \draw (2cm, 1.3cm) ellipse (1cm and .7cm); \draw (1.9cm, 1.3cm) ellipse (.8cm and .5cm); \draw (1.9cm, 1.3cm) ellipse (.6cm and .2cm); \draw (1.8cm, 1.3cm) ellipse (.3cm and .1cm); \draw (1.7cm, 1.3cm) ellipse (.12cm and .05cm); \draw (2cm, 1.6cm) ellipse (.1cm and .05cm); % yes-instance \node [instance] at (0.5cm, 0.5cm) {\color{red}$x^+$}; % no-instance \node [instance] at (2.5cm, 2.3cm) {\color{blue}$x^-$}; % queries \node [circle] at ( 2cm, 2cm) {\color{orange}?}; \node [circle] at (1.5cm, 0.8cm) {\color{orange}?}; \node [circle] at (2.7cm, 0.5cm) {\color{orange}?}; \node [circle] at (0.5cm, 2.3cm) {\color{orange}?}; \node [circle] at ( 3cm, 1.5cm) {\color{orange}?}; \node [circle] at (2.3cm, 1.5cm) {\color{orange}?}; \node [circle] at (1.7cm, 1.3cm) {\color{orange}?}; \end{tikzpicture}
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