

% for smallper page
\usepackage[papersize={4.2in, 1.4in}, text={4in, 1.3in}]{geometry}
% for fancy math

% rank operator

% Matrix transpose

% for extra space at the end of abbreviation

% positive semi-definite

% boldface uppercase letters for matrices
\newcommand{\Abf}{\ensuremath{\mathbf A}}
\newcommand{\Bbf}{\ensuremath{\mathbf B}}

% boldface lowercase letters for vectors
\newcommand{\xbf}{\ensuremath{\mathbf x}}

% for math blackboard font
% set of real numbers
\newcommand{\Rbb}{\ensuremath{\mathbb R}}


For any real symmetric matrcies $\Abf$ such that $\rank(\Abf_{n\times n})=r$,
the following statements are equivalent
and any one of them can serve as the definition of
\emph{positive semi-definite} (\psd) matrices.
  \item $\trans\xbf \Abf\xbf \geq 0$ for any non-zero vector
    $\xbf\in\Rbb^{n\times 1}$.
  \item All the $n$ eigenvalues of $\Abf$ are non-negative.
  \item $\Abf=\trans\Bbf \Bbf$ for some $\Bbf$ with $\rank(\Bbf)=r$.

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